Mythical Hearts: Romance you C

Your life is turned upside-down by the arrival of three mythical men!
Genius Inc

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Версия 3.1.11
Обновлено 2023-10-18
Рейтинг 4.7
Жанр Симуляторы
Название пакета com.genius.genzyuu
Загружено 5+

Введение в Mythical Hearts: Romance you C


Life hits rock-bottom when you lose your job and apartment in one day! But after a series of events lead you to three handsome, mystical strangers, it almost seems like fate. You're shocked to discover these aren't ordinary guys -- they're a griffin, phoenix, and unicorn in disguise, and they need your help!

Comedy and adventure ensue as you try to help your new friends navigate the human world and see their missions through. But what happens when you start to fall for them along the way? Choose your own legendary love story in Mythical Hearts!


◇The Cocky Griffin - Griff◇

Griff is the President of your new company and a capable leader. His straightforward and critical attitude makes him difficult to handle, but employees and business partners alike respect him. Nevertheless, Griff harbors negative sentiments towards humans after his race's greatest treasure was stolen. Can you convince Griff that these preconceived notions are wrong and help him trust again?

◇The Boyish Phoenix - Fay◇

Fay may be a little absent-minded and clueless about the human world, but he's fiercely protective of his friends and eager to learn. Fay wants to prove himself, but his kind heart often lands him in trouble! Will you be the one who teaches him how to love and be loved?

◇The Cryptic Unicorn - Nicola◇

No one can see past Nicola's cool, mysterious smile. He keeps to himself and always maintains a calm demeanor, but at night, you hear him cry out as shadows of a terrible past threaten his present. Can you reach Nicola's sensitive soul and show him it's okay to embrace his true emotions?

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Комментарии к Android версии Mythical Hearts: Romance you C

I love the story line and the characters are so well written! It's awesome but still could have an option to watch a ad to get gems or cut down the time needed to wait for the ticket or something? Please? One more thing... I noticed you always leave the section of the story on a cliffhanger although it's fun and sometimes annoying it's kinda more annoying that some of them are really short just to have it end on a cliffhanger... The ending is satisfying and not... Please continue!
I loved the storyline, it would've been nice if we saw the part of helping griff and Nicolas, the graphics are excellent, it would be nice if ther was more ways to get gems, like an array of theme related mini games to get points and then exchange them for the gems instead of just the 1 mini game. People make first opinions of the characters and at the beginning I had this one perspective on the characters that changed half way through after learning their story, lots of detail. Overall great.
The storyline is really cute and exciting and the characters are soooo well written. I love the designs as well but what I love the most is the perfect balance between the choices that are free and the ones that cost gems. We have a lot of free choices which lead to romantic moments yet we also have to think wisely about spending the few gems we have. It's a lot better than other genius Inc games where every single choice costs this game

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XAPK — это формат расширения файла, который содержит отдельные файлы APK и другие файлы данных (например, дополнительные файлы ресурсов в более крупных играх). Цель файла XAPK — позволить файлам данных приложения храниться отдельно до его установки, что позволяет более эффективно управлять большими приложениями и передавать их. XAPK может помочь уменьшить размер первоначального установочного пакета приложения. Обычно на мобильных телефонах пользователям необходимо сначала установить приложение-установщик XAPK, а затем установить файл XAPK через приложение. Конкретные приложения можно найти по следующей ссылке: На компьютере просто перетащите файлы в эмулятор Android LDPlayer;

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Да, вы можете начать играть в Mythical Hearts: Romance you C на своем компьютере, установив на свой компьютер LDPlayer, эмулятор Android, а затем перетащив загруженный APK-файл в работающий эмулятор. Вы также можете открыть эмулятор, найти игру или приложение, в которое хотите играть, и установить их.
