Hint: Horoscope & Astrology

Use your guide for easy reading future: palm reader, stars and astro phases
Hint America Inc
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Введение в Hint: Horoscope & Astrology
If you are looking for something more than just daily horoscopes, if you need a personal guide of fate and future readers for every day, then our Hint Astrology - daily horoscope and natal charts is perfect for you!

Our app is more than just a daily horoscope. Trusted by more than 25 million people, we at Hint Astrology - daily horoscope and natal charts help you better understand yourself and the world around you as a professional pattern reader. We will help you explore your personality and discover the world zone around you in a new way, using the methods and knowledge of astrology. Touch the fate!

By downloading our best application, you will receive:

1. Personalized forecast for every day. We will take into account all your unique characteristics and charts, zodiac signs, and natal features from the profile, combine them with astro data, according to the position of the planets, moon phase, the exact moment and place of your birth.
2. Partner compatibility reports. We'll show how well you pair up with your friend, colleague, family member, who is the co-star in your relations, would you pair up. And we will help you to use this data both in your personal life, in your career as a professional guideline.
3. Personal one-on-one chat with an astrologer. In our application, you can also personally communicate with a fortune-teller, without “extra eyes” and general information. At the same time, access to your personal recommendations is not limited at all.

Download our daily application Hint Astrology - daily horoscope and natal charts right now and get your personal assistant, advisor and predictor for every day, who is guided only by the advice of a professional astrologer and accurate star data.

Together with us, you will appreciate the following cool features of the best daily application:
- the opportunity to get acquainted with a personal horoscope for today, and for the future. Plus you can find out what the stars have prepared for you;
- the opportunity to see compatibility with a certain person in several parameters: in romantic relationships, love, intimate, family relationships and friendship, as well as at work;
- personalization of your account: we take into account your zodiac sign, sanctuary, reading all your personal characteristics, including charts of the position of the stars at your birth, moon phase, your planets, personal aspects, and so on.

With us, all the subtleties of astrology, all its wisdom and benefits will become simple, understandable and, most importantly, useful for you! Be prepared for the future with Hint Astrology - daily horoscope and natal charts, borders only in your head!
With us you can get accurate information for each day about your destiny because we make the most of all available information about you: your zodiac sign, sanctuary, zone and chart of the position of the stars at birth, moon phases, in part even reading palmistry and information from the pattern of your palms and hands, all natal signs and even more.

Premium subscription
Our program invites you to increase your experience and get an auto-renewing weekly subscription for $ 9.99 with a free 3-day trial with unlimited access. If you have any questions, you can find additional information in the Help Center or on the page "Our Members".
Check out our Privacy Policy: https://help.astrology.app/hc/en-us/articles/360012726774 & EULA: https://help.astrology.app/hc/en-us/articles/360012725754

Your destiny is in your hands! And we are talking about the real science of stars, their understanding and interpretation! Use our astro scanner and see for yourself that you can easily use it for your own happiness!

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Hint: Horoscope & Astrology в настоящее время не поддерживает загрузки из Google Play. Скачать APK можно прямо на этой странице.
Комментарии к Android версии Hint: Horoscope & Astrology
После скачивания, приложение выводит панель с предложением о подписке за 4 тыс тенге, либо можно 3 дня бесплатно. Из этой панели не выйти, никак ее не убрать и в общем приложением невозможно пользоваться. В других похожишь приложениях, таких проблем не наблюдала, если это просто предложение о максимальном доступе, у меня есть право отказаться! Тем более оно бесплатное! Если разработчики так хотят нажиться, то изначально нужно было сделать приложение платным, а не обманывать простых людей!
Я пытался оформить бесплатный трехдневный период. И что вы думаете? Я пытался использовать ВСЕ возможные способы оплаты, КРОМЕ КАРТЫ, но увы они не подходят) Интересное приложение, которое просит у Вас именно ТОЛЬКО Вашу карту, а дальше экрана "попробуй" не пройти, ибо это же предложение от которого БУКВАЛЬНО нельзя отказаться. Так что летит в мусор. Обновление: все положительные отзывы накручены, будьте аккуратней.
Развод. Положительные отзывы у приложения пишут всякие поляки, болгары, в общем европейцы. При чем на чисто русском языке. Не ломаный перевод с гугла, а чисто русский ящыеюк. Забавно. Предлагают 3 дня пробный. А далее 800 р в неделю. Единственное о чем не врут, что можно отменить в любое время. Но есть сомнения. Есть вариант что при подключении пробного периода спишется сумма за первую неделю. Приложение рассчитано на дураков.
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