Craft Alone: Zombie Defense TD

Выживание в одиночку, стрельба по зомби. Создавайте и стройте tower defense.
Dudes Republic

Скачать АПК Craft Alone: Zombie Defense TD

Рейтинг 4
Жанр Ролевые
Название пакета com.DudesRepublic.CraftAlone
Загружено 5+

Введение в Craft Alone: Zombie Defense TD

Exciting Adventure:

Looking for a games that combines craft world, block, build, zombie shooter and zombie defense? Craft Alone is a that covers all of these aspects.
In this addictive game, your goal is to survive the endless waves of zombie using your intelligence and resourcefulness. Build island your defense by collecting resources, destroy block, collect block and stone construct towers and upgrade them to increase their power and performance. The towers will become even more formidable defensive structures, capable of destroying hordes of zombie with great efficiency. Let's craft world survive on island!


If you like to control a character and do simple but exciting things, in our game you will have to extract various deposits in the form of block in mines, forests, including wood, stones, to build the basis of your defense on this island.

Expand your options:

Further, the craft games gives you the opportunity to exchange the collected deposits for some improvements. The main resources may be enough to build a simple craft and constuct at the beginning of the level. But if you want to make progress and improve your defenses, you need to build factories to produce planks, worked stone, and other more sophisticated materials.

Upgrade your tower
On the edge of the island you can see a mine where you need to collect stones and upgrade your tower. Don't worry, your enemies can't get there.

Lumberjacks and miners:

Nevertheless, so that you do not feel lonely, we have added assistants to the game for you. With the same basic resources, you can unlock workers - lumberjacks, and soon miners, who will speed up your processes.

Again from the beginning:
Strengthen your island and defense so the zombie can't destroy your tower, then move on to the next level and start again with more difficult circumstances. The ship that took you to another level crashed and all your deposits went to the bottom and you have to re-collect resources.

Unified Firepower:

Craft Alone doesn't end with mining, crafting, build. Also, tower and defense constuct from resources may not be able to cope with the wave of zombie, get ready to fight them together to prevent the zombie from destroying the island and your tower. You are given the opportunity to improve your weapons and deal more damage.

Do you like epic defense zombie games, craft world, explosions and strategic thinking? Be sure to play this exciting game or check out our other games!

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XAPK — это формат расширения файла, который содержит отдельные файлы APK и другие файлы данных (например, дополнительные файлы ресурсов в более крупных играх). Цель файла XAPK — позволить файлам данных приложения храниться отдельно до его установки, что позволяет более эффективно управлять большими приложениями и передавать их. XAPK может помочь уменьшить размер первоначального установочного пакета приложения. Обычно на мобильных телефонах пользователям необходимо сначала установить приложение-установщик XAPK, а затем установить файл XAPK через приложение. Конкретные приложения можно найти по следующей ссылке: На компьютере просто перетащите файлы в эмулятор Android LDPlayer;

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Да, вы можете начать играть в Craft Alone: Zombie Defense TD на своем компьютере, установив на свой компьютер LDPlayer, эмулятор Android, а затем перетащив загруженный APK-файл в работающий эмулятор. Вы также можете открыть эмулятор, найти игру или приложение, в которое хотите играть, и установить их.
